Meet-A-Mom and Creator of Word Witt!

Meet Carrie Chapie, a mom of 3 and creator of the fun and interactive game- Word Witt!

Tell us the story behind Word Witt!

Life moves fast & the reality is that guided reading is not enough for struggling and beginning readers. It’s also not enough for high achieving kids to maximize their potential. I created Word Witt to fill those voids.

An interactive game that is simple and flexible enough to be fun and support any and all levels of learning and skill.

No more childish games. Ditch the research you have to do with how to help support your child with their reading skills. Pick up a game that you can effectively engage with your child and laugh, because learning without anxiety or boundary’s is real learning.

You’re a busy mom! How did you make time to create an amazing game while raising kiddos?

HA! Its 2020… being a busy Mom just exceeded all previous levels of superwoman expectations. I am sure all parents and caregivers working from home will agree.

From the beginning until now there is always something I can be working on. So remaining flexible with the process of creating and building my company and practicing gratitude, have both helped me manage my time and energy. Throw in some outdoor activities, or other exercise and a little laughter with family and friends helps to keep things in perspective and manageable too.

Is there a secret to winning Word Witt (haha)? I was teaching my son strategies (word families, same endings, etc.) and thought it would be fun to hear some of those ideas from you…if you have any!

Yes. Chunking! Getting good at word families is really the secret. It is the same for more advanced and high-achieving players with more complex word digraphs, trigraphs, and blends too.

A fun interactive way to play the game is to have everyone take turns reading their words out load and crossing out the ones that others have found. This helps with vocabulary and brings out the laughter.

For the super competitive players, keep a dictionary on hand to challenge each other’s words, which is also a great way to build vocabulary.

BUT playing doesn’t have to be all about winning. For the emerging or struggling readers it is more about building self-confidence and laughing while learning. I included a section in the instruction booklet on how to strengthen one of the key building blocks for reading, phonemic awareness. A successful reader builds their knowledge of sound-letter connections to the level it becomes automatic, like breathing. This page is a simple ‘how-to’ for parents to support their children in reading without using complicated instructions.

… and remember ‘I’ and ‘a’, are also words! 

Anything else you would like to tell our followers?

I am thrilled to share Word Witt as it brings boundless amounts of joy to people that play. But don’t be fooled, it isn’t just for kids. Word Witt can be played by anyone ages 7-107. Solo or group play, zoom or in-person, in as little as a 1-minute round or all evening!

 For the full interview: